Welcome to Smart48. The best adaptive website builder. Our homebase is in the EU and we are GDPR compliant! The platform has been designed to be used in a simple and easy way to create a professional and fast website. Optimized for all devices and for marketeers, SME, creative professionals, designers, art directors, copywriters and associations. Smart48 has all you need to get started. With its intuitive interface and drag & drop, (multi) copy & paste, 6 base grids and powerful functionality, you can make a website that not only takes care of branding your service or product, but really represents it. On top of that the fact that we are strictly following EU GDPR rules and regulations assures you that your data is in safe hands and that privacy of your site visitors will be respected. So why wait? Start building your future proof and professional website today! Have fun.



Adaptive+ is adaptive design + a responsive layer.
With Smart48 you get the best of both worlds. Besides design per device you get full control over content, per device.

Unique content per device translates to less code so a lightweight site. Ligher site equals faster loading times!

But Smart48 is more than that. To display content well on all possible screen resolutions we have added the + or responsive layer.
A responsive layer that covers all screen resolutions.

You will be able to build beautiful websites per device.. with tagetted content. Content you can work on an preview per device. True WYSIWYG allowing you to see where you are working on or the site as a whole.

Code loading separately per device. That makes the difference speed wise.

Hides code not needed, but loads all all the same.

Build a unique website
based on your own design.

Fast and easy. Drag, drop, (multi) copy, paste.
Start your free trial today.

Smart48 has Smartgrids for Desktop / Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone
in portrait and landscape and a grid for streaming TV. Native videos or via YouTube, Social Media, SEO per page, per device or all in one.

Unique Per Device Creation.

Empower your creativity with Smart48.com's innovative platform. Our unique per device creation feature allows you to design and customize your website's appearance independently for different devices, ensuring a seamless user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Easy Multi Copy and Paste of Content Modules.

Streamline your website building process with our user-friendly interface.
Our easymulti copy and paste functionality enables you to duplicate and transfer
content modules effortlessly. Save time and effort by replicating content
acrosspages or within the same page, ensuring consistency throughout your site.

Per Page or Per Device SEO.

Boost your website's visibility and search engine rankings with our comprehensive SEO capabilities. Smart48.com offers per page
or per device SEO optimization, allowing you to tailor your website's meta tags, keywords, and descriptions to target specific pages or devices. Drive organic traffic and reach your target audience effectively.

Email Marketing with Mailchimp.


+                     =  


  our powerful email marketing solution.

Google Analytics for Traffic Analysis.

Gain valuable insights into your website's performance and user behavior using Smart48.com's integration with Google Analytics. Track and analyze visitor traffic, bounce rates, page views, and other key metrics
to make datadriven decisions. Optimize your website's performance and identify
areas for improvement with this powerful analytics tool.

Multiple Content Modules for Images, Text, Slideshows, Galleries, and Forms.

Elevate your website's visual appeal and functionality with our versatile content modules. Smart48.com offers a wide range of modules, including image galleries, text blocks, slideshows, and forms. Effortlessly create engaging content and interactive features to captivate your audience and enhance user engagement.

   Take advantage of our seamless integration with Mailchimp for effective email marketing
   campaigns. Smart48.com provides easy-to-use tools to capture visitor emails, build subscriber lists,
   and design captivating newsletters. Nurture customer relationships and drive conversions with

The Netherlands

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